IMPORTANT: We are not currently connecting any new customers. If you previously linked during the BETA phase of the anesthetic monitor integration, that program has been discontinued. Please be aware that our support team can only assist with how-to questions. Unfortunately, we can no longer provide technical assistance for issues encountered aside from the steps documented here: Troubleshooting: What if the surgery monitor is not working properly? Additionally, we no longer provide technical support for the Surgery Admin panel issues.  Any other connection difficulties you will need to contact your IT services to resolve them.



If you are currently using our anesthetic monitor integration there is a new feature that will alert you about a connection loss between the monitor and Smart Flow. Now if a connection is lost, your monitoring parameters will turn red and a red band will appear along the top of the anesthetic page. You will then be asked if you would like to Stop or re-sync data transfer:

We hope you found this information useful!