For your convenience, it is possible to create and adjust a new Whiteboard for any particular department in your clinic. That's why in terms of Smart Flow the Whiteboard and Department can be used interchangeably. 

1. Open your admin Smart Flow web account > click on the user icon in the top-right corner > go to Settings > Whiteboards:

2. Here you will see all of your active Whiteboards and can add a new one by clicking the Add Whiteboard button:

3. You will then see a pop-up window, from this window, select a whiteboard from the list of Whiteboards or free type your own. Once selected, please click the green Arrow button:

4. Next, choose a default display option for that whiteboard. You can choose the Timeline, Workflow or Hybrid option.

5. Now you will find your new whiteboard in the dropdown list.


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