Is your ezyVet integrated with Cubex? As of ezyVet 22.8, there is some additional functionality you need to be aware of.

There are some changes on the ezyVet side (from ezyVet 22.8 release notes): 

    In SmartFlow, there is a setting that allows you to stop SmartFlow from processing a billing charge to ezyVet if the product is also mapped to Cubex, and will let Cubex send the billing charge. Now, if a product is both synced to Cubex and SmartFlow in ezyVet, ezyVet talks with SmartFlows configuration settings and enables this setting automatically.

The SmartFlow parameter switch will be set to match your Sync with Cubex toggle in that product's ezyVet settings:

If you do not want this synchronization to occur, you can customize the SmartFlow integration setting from your ezyVet Admin panel. For this please open your ezyVet Admin > go to the Integration section > open the SmartFlow Sheet - ezyVet tab > and set the Send "Sync With Cubex" Product Flag to NO:

Result of having "Sync with Cubex" Product Flag set to No

This allows the user to manually set the Cubex Billing Toggle parameter by parameter. When it is in this position all parameters that are mapped to ezyVet products will default to Cubex Billing OFF.  Which will result in the billing occurring from ezyVet or SmartFlow.  

But if during setup the decision is made for a few select items to be billed from Cubex and NOT SmartFlow then the Cubex Billing ON can be set with ezyVet Event ON to facilitate any notes, pictures or videos added to the cell to be uploaded into the patients Clinical record file.  

Result of having "Sync with Cubex" Product Flag set to Yes

This setting will result in all products that are marked as synced with Cubex to default in SmartFlow to Cubex Billing ON.  ONLY set this Flag to yes if the intention is for Cubex to be responsible for ALL billing of products used from SmartFlow.  

Toggling a parameter to Cubex Billing OFF with the Product Flag to Yes will not stay in the OFF position - and will revert if the product in ezyVet or the group that it is in is Saved for any reason in ezyVet.  This Saving process will resend the product to SmartFlow and it will automatically toggle the Cubex Billing  back to ON when the Product flag is set to Yes.  

Here is how the Smart Flow "Cubex Billing" toggle works:

In your EMR Settings, if you have SEND BILLING & MEDICAL RECORDS TO EMR option switched ON, your ezyVet will receive treatment events from both SmartFlow & Cubex. But to allow for notes, pictures of videos added to the cell the ezyVet Events needs to be toggled ON.  If the ezyVet Events is toggled OFF - then any documentation in the cell beyond the initials will stay in SmartFlow and only be recorded on the Medical record PDF file, Notes PDF file - but any videos taken will only be in SmartFlow and can only be accessed if the patient is restored to being an active patient on SmartFlow Whiteboard.  

This will NOT result in Double billing - as once the Cubex Billing is toggled to ON - this will prevent SmartFlow from sending a billing trigger to ezyVet.  So the Billing option in Cubex MUST be checked as yes or neither SmartFlow or Cubex will sending a billing trigger to the invoice resulting in lost charges.  

NOTE: This settings switch will only be visible if your SmartFlow account is connected to Cubex, and only for mapped inventory.

Here is how the Cubex billing setting looks:

If Cubex Billing is ON then SmartFlow will NOT send billing events to your ezyVet. You must use this setting only for medications where you have set Cubex to bill for those items. You will see a check box next to Billable Item on the inventory item:

If you need any assistance with your configuration in Cubex, please reach out to Cubex Support ( for assistance.

We hope you found this information useful!