There are two possible reasons why your patient's documents have stopped coming to VisionVPM: some SmartFlow settings are incorrect, or something has happened to the integration processing. The first cause you can easily eliminate on your side, while the second can only be solved by the SmartFlow and VisionVPM teams.

First of all, please check your Merge reports into one PDF option. At the current stage of integration, VisionVPM does not support separate PDF transfer from SmartFlow. If you notice that only Flowsheet PDF goes across (but no other reports are transferred), t's likely that the  Merge report into one PDF option is set to NO. In this case, please merge all the patient's reports into one document (following the steps described HERE) and the generalized report will be sent to your PIMS without any obstacles.

Also, it worth checking your Integrations Status and Send Billing / Anesthetic Billing & Medical Records to EMR in EMR Settings to make sure everything is set up correctly.

Once mentioned above is verified, but the issue is still unresolved, please contact our Support Team for further research. 

We hope you found this information useful!