To delete inventory parameters, please open your manager's SmartFlow web account > Settings > Parameters:

1. Unmap the inventory items from any SmartFlow parameter (if it is mapped). For this, double click the item in the parameters table. In the editing pop-up window, press the X next to the PIMS Name (e.g. Animana Name), and then press Update. The internal SmartFlow Name will remain unchanged:

2. Then, go back to the Parameters table and search under the PIMS Name (e.g. Animana Name) column for the item(s) which you'd like to delete. Click on the next to it:

Confirm the action by clicking Continue when the pop-up window appears and the parameter will be removed completely:

It is ALSO possible to delete more than one parameter at once by using the bulk deletion option. For this simply select parameters and click Delete selected:

More about items adding and deletion you can find in THIS article.

We hope you found this information useful!